The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

Several decades after running the production staff for The Daily Collegian, I find myself back at a newspaper -- only this one is a bit different because it's the only First Amendment newspaper operating inside the U.S. Dept. of Defense. Two-thirds of Stars and Stripes print readers are located in active war zones (Iraq & Afghanistan); the rest are in Europe or somewhere in the Pacific. It takes 12 different printers in 11 different countries to produce the five daily editions and a daunting system of planes and vehicles to get each day's papers to our readers. Headquartered in DC with offices in Japan and Germany, Stars and Stripes is one those unique places to work that provides a window on the world, an opportunity to give something back to a community that sacrifices a great deal in the defense of our country, and to learn every day. You can learn more at